Erasing Racism – Communication

Systematic change is necessary to create the equality that marginalized communities deserve. When it comes to tackling the issue of racial equity, honest, open-hearted and open-minded conversations can inform us about the fundamental issues related to racism, can help bridge the divides, can help us heal, and can begin the lengthy process of change. Communicating with empathy…

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Erasing Racism – Combating Homelessness

The impacts of the coronavirus have disproportionately impacted black Americans – higher rates of death, higher rates of unemployment – and now another drastic consequence is spreading: homelessness. The hardest hit are those Black Americans who had low incomes and little savings even before the pandemic, and who were also more likely to work in…

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Erasing Racism – Ways to Contribute

For those of you who, like me, are staying away from in-person protests due to being immune compromised, or are worried about contracting the coronavirus but want to make a difference, consider joining one or more of the organizations listed below or donating funds and/or your energies to help promote their missions. This is a…

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Eracing Racism – Making a Committment

Yesterday we celebrated our Independence Day –the 4th of July – honoring that day in 1776, when delegates from the original 13 colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence. Since 1776, July 4th has been celebrated as the birth of American Independence. Sometimes it’s easy to forget the words of the Declaration of Independence: We hold…

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